In 2014 we were awarded a grant by the NSW Environmental Trust to restore habitat and connectivity along the Yass River. This month we finish the project and held a morning tea for the landholders involved to say a big THANKYOU for being part of our project. This photo shows the smiling faces of the great people we work with to restore and rehabilitate the Yass River.
Rivers of Carbon – Yass River Linkages has been a great project to manage and implement. We have been able to work with enthusiastic and willing landholders, and are delighted that all our objectives and targets have been met with 300,000 sq metres of riparian zone revegetated, and 500,000 sq metres vegetation connected (riparian areas linked to remnant vegetation and other rehabilitated areas). We have had 14 landholders involved, run a great field day and seen demonstrable changes along the river.
Our communication efforts has reaped great returns with the project generating a lot of interest. Our Feeling Fishy Field Day was a success, with 60 people attending and a very positive and optimistic feel about the day. The quotes below really encapsulate what our communication and awareness raising activities are all about and we are delighted that we now have many more subscribers to our monthly newsletter as a result of our activities in Yass.
“A good feeling about the commitment of people doing something good for their rivers”
“The great work happening in the area and meeting some of the people making it happen”
“Information about native fish, the chance to meet and chat with other professionals… associated with rivers and river health”
We have also been asking the landowners who worked with us to revegetate their riparian areas and boost biodiversity what they felt about being part of Rivers of Carbon – Yass River Linkages, with Ross Webster, Acting Chairman of the Yass Landcare Group sending us in this email:
On Behalf of Yass Landcare Group , and indeed all Landcare Groups associated with the Yass River , a very heartfelt thank you to the team associated with the Rivers Of Carbon initiative for the Yass River , Siwan , Lori and Haydon you have done a magnificent job in helping to rehabilitate the Yass River System over the past two years through various initiatives involving on ground works , field days , public discussion , Publications , and social media . We look forward to working with you in the future to secure this Southern Tablelands icon to its pre-European settlement status.
We have felt very privileged to have had the opportunity of a NSW Environmental Trust grant to work on the Yass River. As we wrap up this phase of our work on the Yass River we are more committed than ever to continue to work with this local community. The Yass River is changing and we are part of making that happen. Luke Pearce, our DPI Fisheries expert has noticed enormous changes in the riparian zone condition of the Yass River and these changes have positively impacted on fish populations, with Murray cod, Golden perch and the Southern pygmy perch all present in some river reaches. This quote from Luke really sums up why we do what we do, and the success of the Rivers of Carbon Yass River Linkages project in contributing to healthy rivers and inspired communities.
“There has been an incredible transformation in some sections of the stream from a willow clogged, stagnant mess, to a stunning looking natural Australian river system, complete with large complex wood debris, fantastic riparian vegetation, pools, riffles, cobble beds, fringing and submerged aquatic vegetation, ideal habitat for all manner of native fish.”
It does not really get much better than that, and we welcome ongoing opportunities to work with the terrific community in Yass to promote these positive river restoration outcomes.