Rivers of Carbon has been working with landholders for 15 years to manage riparian areas for improved water quality, stock health and sustainable farm management in Southeast NSW.
Our projects offer a range of site-level incentives to help landholders plant native vegetation, fence out stock, organise alternative stock water points, and build small-scale erosion control to rehabilitate the land.
The Sydney Source Water project, funded by WaterNSW, looks specifically at managing stock around waterways for overall catchment quality.
To date, we have:
✔️ Worked closely with 161 landholders
✔️ Planted 112,400+ new trees
✔️ Fenced 158km+ of waterways from livestock
✔️ Protected and restored 1,331ha of riparian land
See our work with the Gibson family on their property Tirranna
We want to hear from you
Our Source Water Linkages Program is looking to partner with landholders that manage livestock. If your property is within the select regions, please contact our Program Manager Lori to discuss how we can work together.
For more information, please download the program brochure.

Program Manager
Phone: 0439 030 058
If you prefer, you can complete the form below and we will give you a call:
Feel free to check out these resources for landholders
Rivers of Carbon - Source Water Linkages Program funded by WaterNSW