We are honoured to work on the ancestral lands of the Ngunnawal People. We recognise their continuing connection with, and knowledge about, the land, waters and community. We pay our respects to them and their cultures; and Elders past, present and emerging.
Adapted from: Welcome to Country & Acknowledgement of Country – Creative Spirits
River Dreaming image (right). Artist: Richie Allen (Ngunnawal/Kamilaroi), Traditional Aboriginal Owners Corporation.

Why Boorowa?
The Boorowa River flows through the Hilltops region of NSW which is in the Upper Lachlan catchment. Working with private landholders and the community, this project will connect past River of Carbon work undertaken through our Yass, Grabben Gullen and Crookwell projects. It also builds on work Rivers of Carbon Program Manager Lori Gould completed as part of the Boorowa River Recovery Project.
Our vision for RoC Boorowa is to protect six kilometres of stream and forty hectares of land so that water quality, biodiversity and habitat connectivity in the region can be improved. The work will contribute to threatened species conservation, including species such as the Southern Pygmy Perch and Superb Parrot.
The Boorowa River is also an important source of water for the district, providing water for agricultural enterprises, recreation, cultural connections and the town. In recent decades the river has been under threat from declining water quality caused by erosion, salinity and vegetation clearing. This project will address some of these issues by working with farmers to fence water courses, plant native vegetation, establish off stream troughs and remediate erosion sites to improve water quality and biodiversity outcomes.
The Boorowa River is part of the Lachlan Catchment in the Murray-Darling Basin.

Outcomes we are aiming for:
Protect and restore 40ha of riparian land
Protect 6kms of waterways
Involve 7 landholders
Connection and enhancement of remnant vegetation, removal of woody weeds
Plant 4000 native trees and shrubs & improve biodiversity
Manage 4 erosion remediation sites
Hold 2 community events
Engage with community partners
Boorowa Project Area
Project Timeline:
Check out our free resources below:
Want to get involved?
We would love to hear from you. Please check our map to see if you are within the Boorowa project area. If you are, get in touch!
Lori Gould, RoC Program Manager
📞0439 030 058
Alex James, Boorowa Project Officer
📞0406 338 850

This project has been assisted by the NSW Government through its Environmental Trust.