‘Care for country and it will care for you’

Come along to the Native Plant Use Forum 27-28 September in Canberra and hear presentations by leading Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people working with and promoting native plant use in cooking, medicine, cultural activities and more. This special event, organised by the ACT Government aims to share knowledge, empower communities and develop new opportunities into the future.

Speakers include:

  • Monero/Yuin woman Aileen Blackburn-Mongta’s who is bringing back cultivation and harvest of the edible native yam daisies, with Aboriginal woman from her community in East Gippsland.
  • Bundjalung man Mark Olive (Black Olive) will speak on how he uses native plants as a chef and will demonstrate cooking with native plants.
  • Canberra based Wiradjuri man Adam Shipp will talk on his work with local communities through his native plant-based business and will demonstrate native plant use-based medicines.
  • Meriam/Wuthathi woman and lawyer, Terri-Janke will highlight the challenges and opportunities for Indigenous people in retaining intellectual property rights around native plants and traditional knowledge.

DAY 1 – Friday 27 September – Exhibition Park at Mitchell, Canberra will include presentations by leading Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people working with and promoting native plant use as well as demonstrations and interactive, hands-on workshops.

DAY 2 – Saturday 28 September – will be held out at Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve (transport provided), south of Canberra and will include guided native plant and plant use walks through the reserve and more opportunities to learn skills at native plant use workshops.

To book your tickets go to: EVENTBRITE