
Lori Gould
Program Manager
Rivers of Carbon

Kyeelee Driver
Animal Biosecurity and Health,
ACT Government
Erosion is a lose-lose situation for both people and place. To combat this, we need to bring together land holders, scientists, and indigenous perspectives for productive conversations around healing the land. In this webinar, erosion expert Lori Gould and animal health expert Kyeelee Driver discuss how to manage erosion to improve productivity, river and animal health on your property.
Lori discusses ways of identifying erosion using real-life examples and how these features form through sediment runoff. Lori and Kyeelee examine the practical methods used to address erosion using hay, rock and other ‘soft’ engineering approaches, as well as situations where you might need soil conservation and engineering advice. Photos have been included to help you identify the processes causing erosion and possible treatments.
Lori identifies active erosion in a range of land types, from wetlands to pastures, resulting in the formation of young gullies and headcuts. Appropriate erosion control is beneficial for the safety of humans and stock on the property, and can take many forms. Revegetation of eroded areas can help secure the soil and vital nutrients, preventing any further degradation. This technique can also create wind breaks on low productivity land for stock and crop protection. Vegetation creates a protected buffer zone allowing the eroded land to repair itself, where crash grazing can be used if necessary.
Kyeelee provides compelling information about how effective erosion management can rehabilitate land and waterways alike, minimising soil and nutrient loss, improving water quality, decreasing algal blooms, protecting native fish stocks, improving biodiversity, and increasing the capital value of your property.
When waterways are protected for erosion prevention, alternative water for stock may be required. Dams, tanks and troughs offer more flexible drinking fixtures, allowing farmers to plan for seasonal variability and drought times. Kyeelee highlights how alternative water sources can be monitored closely to ensure adequate availability, correct pH, and low contaminant levels for animal health and wellbeing. Clean drinking water means stock can drink more, put on weight quicker and do better economically. Safe water for stock can have benefits further up the food chain in humans as well!
For more information on erosion and control methods watch the webinar below and keep an eye out for erosion-specific Rivers of Carbon field days. Sign up to the ARRC monthly newsletter to stay in the loop.
This webinar was supported by the ACT Government and the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.