We hear a lot about carp, but what about redfin, and the impact that it is having on our native species? In the past week we came across a new study on juvenile Redfin diet that ties in nicely with our latest story on stopping alien fish in their tracks with tons of rock!

Redfin caught in Googong Dam

Redfin caught in Googong Dam

The study explains that Redfin have contributed to the decline of native fish populations, primarily as a result of predation.   In studying the diet of juvenile Redfin, it was discovered that “[m]ost juvenile redfin perch with prey items in their guts…had consumed native fish” (see above photo of a redfin that has eaten Southern pygmy perch).

The authors of the study, Wedderburn and Barnes, conclude that:

  • these findings are important to consider when dealing with threatened small-bodied fish populations (such as Southern pygmy perch); and
  • a generalist feeding behaviour observed in the study can lead to the early onset of piscivory in alien fish populations

This links in nicely with a story that we recently shared about one of our projects that involved building in-stream barriers to protect Southern pygmy perch, a threatened native species, from predators such as redfin and carp. From this study it is clear that redfin pose a significant threat to our native species, and that is why we were involved in this project. You can read about our project here.

If you would like to read more about the study, you can find the abstract here: <a href=”http://www.publish.csiro.au/view/journals/dsp_journals_pip_abstract_Scholar1 online project management tools free.cfm?nid=90&pip=ZO15083″>Piscivory by alien redfin perch Perca fluviatilis begins earlier than anticipated in two contrasting habitats of Lake Alexandrina, South Australia.